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NE03 (workshop) - “Speed-Neurodating”: An innovative workshop aimed at the students to meet young and consolidated Neuroscientists (19:00 – 20:30)

A novel concept of networking event in a “speed dating”-like format.


July 9, 2022 - 7:00 pm


July 9, 2022 - 8:30 pm


Pavillon 7, Paris Expo Porte de Versailles   View map

Big meetings like FENS are scientific scenarios that clearly represent for many students the first encounter with the authors they read and base their experiments upon. It is also the opportunity to enjoy “the out-of-the-lab scientific world”. Unfortunately, more often than not, in these events there is not enough time to meet a scientific colleague of your interest to talk about a specific topic, technique or the overall scientific career. In order to fill this gap, this event will explore a novel concept of networking event in a “speed dating”-like format.

The organisers are former members of the Young Scientist Committee of the Neuroscience Spanish Society (SENC) and have already launched a Spanish national mentorship programme. This event aims to facilitate the interaction between students with either early-career or consolidated scientists, providing a unique opportunity to start a conversation that may end right there or be transformed in a long lasting and fruitful interaction. Taking into consideration how a conversation, a conference or a phrase of another scientist has played a crucial impact in a scientist’s life, the aim of this satellite event is to serve as a catalyst to trigger these meetings, impacting many young lives and establishing connections that may blossom in scientific collaborations or lifetime friendships.

A novel concept of networking event in a “speed dating”-like format.