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SE11 - Cancer and cancer treatments on cognitive functions: At the era of comprehensive mechanisms (09:30-18:30)

The aim of this satellite event is to share recent European and international research on the impact of cancer and treatments on brain function, addressing neuropsychological, neurobiological, and pathophysiological mechanisms, towards the identification of predictive biomarkers and validation of prevention tools.


July 8, 2022 - 9:00 am


July 8, 2022 - 6:30 pm


Espaces Vocations - 92, rue Saint-Lazare 75009 Paris   View map

Cancer Related Cognitive Impairment (CRCI) is frequently reported in patients treated for non-central nervous system cancer, during and after chemotherapy. These cognitive deficits are mainly characterized by impairment of short-term and working memory, attention, executive functions, and/or processing speed. Although the effect of chemotherapy is just becoming understood, a potential effect of cancer itself and of other cancer treatments e.g., new modalities of radiotherapy, hormone therapies, targeted therapies and immunotherapy on neurological functions is now evidenced. This multidisciplinary meeting will stimulate exchanges on the pathophysiology and neurobiological mechanisms of CRCI and the direct impact of the different cancer treatments. It should outline the current research strategies on selective and combined effects of the disease and treatments on neurocognitive function, the influence of parameters such as stress, mood and aging on cognitive impairment, on human brain imaging, with the objective to improve CRCI management through validated protocols of cognitive rehabilitation in cancer patients.

Abstract submission and registration click here

The aim of this satellite event is to share recent European and international research on the impact of cancer and treatments on brain function, addressing neuropsychological, neurobiological, and pathophysiological mechanisms, towards the identification of predictive biomarkers and validation of prevention tools.