Warning: There are an increasing number of fraudulent websites and emails that impersonate FENS. We would like to alert all our members, delegates, and exhibitors to possible scams. We strongly advise you to use only the official FENS online registration and accommodation for your bookings, and not to trust emails offering attendee lists.

SE16 - Advances in biology and Technology for spinal cord repair information for the website (09:00-18:00)

We hope to welcome both scientists and clinicians as well as companies and patients. Note that the meeting will be wheelchair-accessible. Attendance is free but registration is mandatory: Deadline: June 15, 2022 For more information on the scientific program you can follow the registration link below.


July 8, 2022 - 9:00 am


July 8, 2022 - 6:00 pm


Campus Pierre et Marie-Curie, Paris   View map

Spinal cord injury is a devastating condition and a challenge for every health system and society. While a cure that could repair the injured spinal cord is unforeseeable, recent advances in biological and engineering strategies have opened promising ways for improving functions after spinal cord injury. To stay up to date with some of these latest advances and foster synergies between clinicians and fundamental scientists, the French “Club de la Moelle épinière et ses pathologies” (CMEP) together with IRME (Institut de Recherche pour la Moelle épinière) organizes on July 8th, 2022 a one day meeting entitled “Advances in biology and technology for spinal cord repair”. Talented researchers and clinicians will present their latest exciting work in the field. Invited speakers are Carmelo Bellardita (Danemark), E Collazos-Castro (Spain), François Clarac (France), Giuliano Taccola (Italy), Guillaume Caron (France), Marc Possover (Switzerland), Nejada Dingu (France), Nicolas Guérout (France), Simone Di Giovanni (England), Ursula Hofstötter (Austria).

This meeting will be held in Paris (Jussieu campus) as a satellite meeting of the European FENS Forum.

Scientific Committee: Frédéric Brocard (frederic.brocard@univ-amu.fr), Geneviève Rougon (genevieve.rougon@univ-amu.fr), Pierre-François Pradat (irme@orange.fr).

Register here

We hope to welcome both scientists and clinicians as well as companies and patients. Note that the meeting will be wheelchair-accessible. Attendance is free but registration is mandatory: Deadline: June 15, 2022 For more information on the scientific program you can follow the registration link below.